Date of last revision: 18th May 2018

The Sound Therapy Shop is a Project of Wise and Thrive Ltd.

Wise and Thrive Ltd (the “Company”) respects the privacy concerns of the users of its website,, and the services provided therein (the “Site”). The Company thus provides this privacy statement to explain what information is gathered during a visit to the Site and how such information may be used.

Wise and Thrive Limited is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We want you to understand how we collect and use information about you. We also value your comments in this regard.

The privacy notice describes to you:

  • who we are
  • what personal data we collect and store about you, and how we collect it
  • why we collect personal data and what we do with it
  • the categories of third parties with whom we share your personal data
  • how we retain your information and keep it secure
  • your rights and how to exercise them
  • how to contact us

1. Who are we?
For the purposes of data protection law, the “controller” is Wise and Thrive Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales under company number 07769554 and having its registered office address 12 Polscoe, Lostwithiel, PL22 0HS, Cornwall, United Kingdom (from now on referred to as “Wise and Thrive”, or as “we” and related words such as “us” and “our”). Our registered VAT number is GB271399773.

As controller, we are responsible for, and control the processing of, your personal data. We are registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office, which is the UK’s supervisory authority for data protection matters.

If you would like to contact us about this notice, including if you wish to receive further information about any aspect of it, our details are as follows:
Post:12 Polscoe, Lostwithiel, PL22 0HS, Cornwall, United Kingdom

2. What information do we collect from you?
In the course of our business, which is the sale of educational courses online and through workshops, we collect the following personal data when you provide it to us:

  • personal details, such as
    • name and title
    • username
    • gender
    • date of birth
  • contact data, such as
    • delivery address
    • billing address
    • e-mail address
    • telephone and mobile number(s)
  • image data, namely
    • Photographs (if we are taking pictures during an event and you have not objected to us doing so)
  • biographical data from job applications and CVs, such as
    • institutions attended
    • academic and other results gained
    • employment history
    • any other personal information you provide
  • payment card details
  • transaction data, such as
    • details about payments to and from you
    • details of products and services you have purchased from us
  • technical data, such as
    • internet protocol (IP) address
    • your login data, browser type and version
    • time-zone setting and location
    • browser plug-in types and versions
    • operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access our website
  • profile data, such as
    • username and password
    • orders made by you
    • your preferences
    • feedback and survey responses
  • usage data, such as
    • information about how you use our website, products and services
      marketing data, such as
    • your preferences in receiving marketing and communications.

We do not knowingly collect “special category” personal data. This is a special type of sensitive data to which more stringent processing conditions apply, and comprises data concerning your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, sex life or sexual orientation, and genetic data and/or biometric data.

We also do not collect information about criminal convictions or offences.

3. How do we collect personal data?
We obtain personal data from sources as follows:

  • directly from you when you interact with us, for example when you
    • create an account
    • buy our products at a workshop event or online
    • sign up to our mailing lists
    • request information
    • write to us
    • phone our customer services team (since your call may be recorded for training, fraud prevention and investigation purposes)
    • enter a competition
    • take part in a survey
    • give us feedback or post comments or reviews
    • apply for a job or send a CV
  • from customers if they provide your details in relation to an order or a wish list: if you are providing another person’s details, please ensure you have that person’s explicit consent to do so
  • from automated technologies such as cookies and tags when you use our website – for more information, please see our cookies notice to find out more

4. How do we use your personal data?

We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • to allow you to register an account
  • to perform a contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you
  • if it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and these are not overridden by your own rights and interests
  • where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

Lawful processing

In order to process personal data, we must have a lawful reason (sometimes called a lawful basis). We always ensure that this is the case, and we set out our lawful bases below – but please note that more than one may apply at any given time: for example, if we inform you of changes to our privacy notice, we may process your personal data on the ground of complying with law and on the ground of legitimate interests.

We will use your personal data only for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we fairly consider that we need it for another reason that is compatible with the original purpose.

Please contact us if you would like more information on this, and on situations in which more than one lawful basis applies.

Contractual Necessity

If you are our customer or applying for a job, we will process your personal data for the following purposes, on the legal basis that it is necessary for us to provide our products and services to you:

  • to enable us to carry out our services
  • to identify you
  • to respond to your inquiries
  • to allow you to register an account or set up a wish list
  • to the extent necessary to provide you with information you have requested in relation to our products and services before you decide to purchase them
  • to provide our products and services, including enabling them to be delivered to you and contacting you about your order (for example, regarding availability)
  • to carry out billing and administration activities, including refunds and credits
  • to evaluate your job application and take any next steps, and to evaluate your suitability for roles where you have asked to be considered for future opportunities.

Of course, you are not obliged to provide us with any of this information, but if you chose not to, we may be unable to provide the product or service that you have requested.

Legitimate Interests

We process your personal information for our legitimate business purposes, which include the following:

  • to conduct and manage our business
  • to identify suspicious purchasing activity (for example, where a card has been used for high-volume and/or high-value purchases or where cardholder and deliver addresses differ) – however, we do not make automated decisions on the basis of such profiling
  • to ensure our website and systems are secure (for example, by conducting security penetration tests on our website to ensure our security tools are effective)
  • to personalise your web experience – for example, by tailoring our products and offers to you
  • to allow you to review a product you have purchased
  • to analyse, improve and update our services for the benefit of our customers
  • to deal with complaints
  • where you have made a purchase from us, to let you know about our products, services, promotions or events that we consider may be of interest to you (and which may be tailored to your interests as construed from your purchase history).

We do this only where you have provided us with a preferred means of contact for this purpose. We carry out this processing on the legal basis that we have a legitimate interest in marketing our products and services, and only to the extent that we are permitted to do so by applicable direct marketing laws.

You can opt-out of receiving this information by unsubscribing from our emails, or by contacting us as set out in Section 1 above.

Whenever we process your personal data for these purposes, we ensure that your interests, rights and freedoms are carefully considered.

Compliance with laws

We may process your personal data in order to comply with applicable laws (for example, if we are required to cooperate with an investigation pursuant to a court order).


If you have never purchased from us or have not purchased from us for a long time, but have given us your explicit consent to hear from us about our products, services, promotions or events that we consider may be of interest to you, we will contact you by post or email (according to the contact preference you have provided). You have the right to withdraw consent to marketing at any time.

5. Do we share your personal data?
We may provide your personal data to the following recipients for the purposes set out in this notice:

  • our service providers, including
    • logistics providers, such as those who deliver our orders
    • e-mail and mail service providers
    • technical and support partners, such as the companies who host our website and who provide technical support and back-up services
    • recruitment service providers
  • merger or acquisition partners, to the extent that sharing your personal data is necessary
  • law enforcement agencies, government or public agencies or officials, regulators, and any other person or entity that has the appropriate legal authority where we are legally required or permitted to do so, to respond to claims, or to protect our rights, interests, privacy, property or safety
  • any other parties, where we have your specific consent to do so.

6. Do you have to provide personal data – and, if so, why?
To form a contract with you, we will need some or all of the personal data described above so that we can perform that contract or the steps that lead up to it: this is set out above in this notice. If we do not receive the data, the contract could not be performed.
If you sign up to our mailing list, you will have to provide certain personal data. Of course, you may decide to stop receiving our mailings at any time.

7. How long will your personal data will be kept for?
We carefully consider the personal data that we store, and we will not keep your information in a form that identifies you for longer than is necessary for the purposes set out in this notice or as required by applicable law. In some instances, we are required to hold data for minimum periods: for example, UK tax law currently specifies a six-year period for retention of some of your personal data.

8. Do we transfer personal data outside the EEA?
Although we are based in England, we may transfer your personal information to a location (for example, to a secure server) outside the European Economic Area, if we consider it necessary or desirable for the purposes set out in this notice.
In such cases, to safeguard your privacy rights, transfers will be made to recipients to which a European Commission “adequacy decision” applies (this is a decision from the European Commission confirming that adequate safeguards are in place in that location for the protection of personal data), or will be carried out under standard contractual clauses that have been approved by the European Commission as providing appropriate safeguards for international personal data transfers, or by the adoption of EU-US Privacy Shield.

9. How do we keep your personal data secure?
Wise and Thrive has security measures in place designed to prevent data loss, to preserve data integrity, and to regulate access to the data. Only authorised Wise and Thrive employees and third parties processing data on our behalf have access to your personal data.

All Wise and Thrive employees and sub-contractors who have access to your personal data are required to adhere to the Wise and Thrive Privacy Notice and we have in place contractual safeguards with our third-party data processors to ensure that your personal data is processed only as instructed by Wise and Thrive.

The security measures we have in place include:

  • regular reviews of information collection, storage and processing practices to
  • protect against unauthorised access
  • restriction of access to personal information
  • monitoring of systems storing and processing information
  • use of secure technologies (e.g. SSL, encryption)
  • scenario planning and crisis-management exercises to ensure we are ready to respond to cyber security attacks and data security incidents.

Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our website, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.

We take all reasonable steps to keep your data safe and secure and to ensure the data is accessed only by those who have a legitimate interest to do so. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to us. Any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your personal data, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Please contact us using the details in section 1 of this notice if you would like more information about this.

10. Your information rights
We draw your attention to your following rights under data protection law:

right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data

right of access to your personal data, and the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you and supplementary details about that information – you will be asked to provide proof of your identify and residential address, and we may ask you to provide further details to assist us in the provision of such information right to have inaccurate personal data that we process about you rectified – we want to ensure that the personal information that we process and retain about you is accurate, so please do remember to tell us about any changes, for example if you have moved house or changed your contact details. It is your responsibility to ensure you submit true, accurate, and complete information to us; please also update us in the event this information changes.

right of erasure – in certain circumstances you have the right to have personal data that we process about you blocked, erased or destroyed

the right to object to, or restrict:

  • processing of personal data concerning you for direct marketing
  • decisions being taken by automated means which produce legal effects concerning you or that similarly significantly affect you
  • in certain other situations, to our continued processing of your personal data
  • the right of portability of your data in certain circumstances.

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.

Please contact us using the details in section 1 of this notice if you would like to exercise any of these rights or know more about them.

These rights are subject to certain limitations that exist in law. Further information about your information rights is available on the ICO’s website:

11. Cookies
Our website uses cookies. For more information on which cookies we use and how we use them, please see our cookies notice.

12. Changes to this privacy notice
We may change this notice from time to time. You should check this notice on our website occasionally, in order to ensure you are aware of the most recent version.

13. What should you do if you have a complaint?
We hope that you will be satisfied with the way in which we approach and use your personal data.
Should you find it necessary, you have a right to raise a concern with the information regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office:
However, we do hope that if you have a complaint about the way we handle your personal data, you will contact us in the first instance using the contact details in section 1 above, so that we have an opportunity to resolve it.

14. Children Age 13 and Under: The Company recognises the special obligation to protect personally identifiable information obtained from children aged 13 and under. AS SUCH, IF YOU ARE 13 YEARS OLD OR YOUNGER, THE COMPANY REQUESTS THAT YOU NOT SUBMIT ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION TO THE SITE OR TO THE COMPANY. If the Company discovers that a child age 13 or younger has signed up on the Site or provided us with personally identifiable information, we will delete that child’s identifiable information from our records.

The Company nonetheless encourages parents to go online with their kids. Here are a few tips to help make a child’s online experience safer:

  1. Teach kids never to give personal information, unless supervised by a parent or responsible adult. Includes name, address, phone, school, etc.
  2. Know the sites your kids are visiting and which sites are appropriate.
  3. Look for Website privacy policies. Know how your child’s information is treated.
  4. Check out the FTC’s site for more tips on protecting children's privacy online

15. Malware/Spyware/Viruses: Neither the Company nor the Site knowingly permit the use of malware, spyware, viruses, and/or other similar types of software.

16. Links to External Sites: The Company is not responsible for the content or practices of third party websites that may be linked to the Site. The Company is also not responsible for any information that you might share with such linked websites. You should refer to each website’s respective privacy policy and practices prior to disclosing any information.

17. Bulletin Boards and Chat Areas: Guests of the Site are solely responsible for the content of messages they post on the Company’s forums, such as chat rooms and bulletin boards. Users should be aware that when they voluntarily disclose personal information (e.g., user name, e-mail address, phone number) on the bulletin boards or in the chat areas, that information can be collected and used by others and may result in unsolicited messages from other people. You are responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these instances. Please take care when using these features.

Choice/Opt-Out: The Site may provide you the opportunity to opt-in to receive communications from us at the point where we request information about you. You always have the option of removing your name from any e-mail list in order to discontinue any such future communications. In order to ensure immediate removal from any list, please follow the specific instructions set forth within the communications you receive from the Company which you no longer wish to receive. If you are unsuccessful in completing the instructions specified in any such communication, please e-mail us at, including a copy of the undesired email attached to the request, and state you wish to be removed from the mailing list.

18. Contact Information for Complaints or Concerns: If you have any complaints or concerns about the Company or about this privacy statement, please contact:

Via email:


Via regular mail: 12 Polscoe, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0HS, United Kingdom

Information provided by you via general e-mail inquiries to the Company such as your e-mail address is used only to respond to your inquiries in the ordinary course of business and is never shared with third parties.

19. Your Acceptance of These Terms: By using the Site, you accept the policies and restrictions set forth in this Online Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use the Site. This Online Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the then current Online Privacy Policy to which you are bound.